Not sure why but there are a surplus of funny "sick" pictures featuring cats. Anyway I felt something coming on as I left for Thunder Bay on Monday and it really picked up yesterday. I've got all the signs of the flu - aches and chills but thankfully no vomiting (yet). Problem is I'm still in Thunder Bay and the prospect of a the 1.5 hour flight home is a little daunting.


I'm trying to look at this objectively and do all the things needed to get healthy again - lots of fluids and rest. Why is it, though, that when I get sick I get grumpy because I'm not getting anything done and missing workouts. I've had a good stretch of training and don't want to lose fitness. Or maybe this forced rest will be a good thing (positive mental attitude).

Probably what my friends would say - pretty funny.

And yes, as men, we carry on as the world is ending when we get sick! I will try to limit the overdramatizing but I can't guarantee it!
Cheers (cough, cough)!
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