The dreaded rut! I'm not currently in one but my body feels sluggish, tired and sore and I feel I could possibly fall into one. I think the busy travel schedule for work is catching up. I even ate a double cheeseburger and fries from McDonald's today. My training has been decent but a struggle so how better to snap out of it than assess where I need to improve and make a plan - either that or the fact I'll be in Kona in two weeks should be enough to get the adrenaline flowing.

My swim. Gotta say that I find it difficult to get excited about the pool especially during winter. During the summer I use a 50 meter outdoor pool in Burlington and I love it - the sun shining, it's awesome. Indoors during the winter - not so much. So I need to have an attitude review and get in the pool.

For now I'll be Honu-like.....

....but I'll get the miles in.

It's funny cause this picture reminds me of my transitions during the Guelph Lake 2 sprint tri this past summer. It was the first sprint tri I competed in probably 5 years and my transitions were horrible! I'm pretty sure a spectator was about to help me as they watched me attempt to wrestle my wetsuit off.

Competition will be tough and a strong bike always sets up a strong run. It will be crucial to put in quality work and not just put in junk miles.

At the same time it is important to take in the sights!

While this is gross it does illustrate the importance of focus and the ability to push even when things aren't going your way. In triathlon the run is key to success - the ability to run hard in a fatigued state will always pay dividends.

It also doesn't hurt to have a little "attitude"

So there you have it - commit to the process and success will be yours. Go get it you trigeeks!
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