Since I got back from Hawaii I think I've gotten the fire back for training. Nothing like watching the world's best in Kona to get the mojo back!

When training is going well I generally do my quality work between Tuesday and Friday. Monday is always my day off and Saturday and Sunday are reserved for long rides or runs. The duration of my efforts between Tuesday and Friday are usually between 1-1.5 hrs and the effort is high. Whether I'm doing tempo, intervals or hill repeats the intensity remains high. Weekends it's all about building endurance and while my effort there remains the same, the progress of my intense efforts over time creates an increase in speed for my long efforts without feeling the effort.

On Friday I went for a 25 mile ride. The pace was high and for 20 miles I maintained an average between 20.5 - 21.5 mph. It was windy out so I definitely was working hard. I also kept my cadence on the low end to work on power.

Feelin' it!
I did a 10 mile run on Sunday and it was nothing less than a Death March. After the first couple of miles it seemed like every step hurt. I averaged over 9 minutes per mile which is very slow for me. The last 2 miles were horrible and it was all I can do to keep moving. I was spent! Funny thing, though, after a few hours post-run I felt better so my recovery is there. Today I did a ride on a rolling course and averaged 19.25 mph so things are on track. I have a swim and run on the menu tomorrow during my work trip to Ottawa so we see how it goes. Lovin this weather!
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