My spectator duties started here on the Queen K in Waikoloa. It was pretty cool watching the helicopter covering the race getting closer and closer. I knew the leaders were close..

The lava fields were covered with good luck messages for the athletes.

This is view heading towards Hawi. At 8:30am it was already hot and windy so I knew it was going to be a tough day for the field.

Here comes the train!

Eventual women's winner Leanda Cave. She also won the 70.3 World Champs in Vegas the previous month thus completing the double.

Uber-biker and World 70.3 Champ from last month Sebastian Kienle (pronounced keen-lay). If it wasn't for a flat tire, he might very well have won this race and completed the double like Craig Alexander last year and Leanda Cave this year.

Eventual men's winner Peter Jacobs.

Not sure about this good luck message. "Poopie" as a nickname is not a good thing in my book. Perhaps this name was given for the "wrong" reasons!

Alii Drive was just starting to get busy when we arrived in the morning after watching the cyclists go by in Waikoloa. Later as the athletes head towards the finish the crowd will create a funnel so that no more that a couple of athletes can fit through and the noise level is huge - must feel pretty awesome for the athletes.

The chute leading to the finish.

Just before the finish looking at the finish line. Still early in the day as the race was just over half done at this point. Later it would be nuts here!

The coveted finish line near Kailua Bay - the result of many a workout and a dream.

Looking up from transition towards the Hot Corner.

This is the Hot Corner. The cyclists come in towards transition and then head out to start the marathon.

Palani Hill. This is a killer hill that is about 400m long and plays a key role during the marathon. It is here that the athletes climb it at about the 10 mile mark. It is steep enough that it can reduce people to walking at the top on the Queen K. It's also the same hill athletes come down at the 24.5 mile mark. In the history of Ironman all but a couple of times the first male and female to reach the top of Palani Hill first at the 24.5 mile mark won the race so it's a key spot in the race. This year both Pete Jacobs and Leanda Cave made it there first.
More videos I took from the race...
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