Happy Belated New Year!! I'm a little late but that's ok. 2016 is a milestone year in the Turnbull household. This is what Sara and I refer to as our "50-40 Year". What that means is that Sara turns 40 in 9 days and I turn 50 in May. Not surprisingly, from a mental standpoint, I'm a child and Sara is an adult. We also "age up" to the next age group when racing! This is probably the only time one gets excited about getting older. In theory we could be the speedy kids in the age group however, currently, my scale says otherwise.

This pic says it all, am I right?! I really don't have any resolutions this year. I'm enjoying training, making new friends and look forward to some racing - the distance of which I'm unclear of at this point. I read a quote from a elite coach that basically states "if you need a specific date to make changes to improve yourself then you haven't worked hard enough to make yourself better over the past year." Kind of makes sense eh?! Resolutions can be a jumpstart in mindset and get people excited about the potential for the coming year so that can have impact so I'm not entirely against it.

So with that said what are my goals? First off I'm looking at a race per month between June and September. There will be varying distances involved but the spacing will be ideal to allow for recovery, a life, and doing some cool family things like camping and going to the beach which we love. Secondly, get some projects done around the house - these things never end of course. Finally, and most importantly, Sara and I will get married after 18 years - better late than never! On this front, we have NO plans, I mean NO plans. We've thrown out ideas but nothing has stuck. We have that real sense of urgency! haha

Last year I did say I wanted to go surfing. That didn't pan out however Logan really likes boogie boarding (which I'm stoked about!!) and we got some in on Lake Erie. I picked up a nice board late in the summer from a surf shop so I'm pumped to try the out with him this summer. I also plan on doing some stand up paddling. It's something we can do as a family so that makes more sense.

Finally my training totals from the past 2 years are as follows:
2014: Swim = 12, 700m; Bike = 3620 miles; Run = 1030 miles
2015: Swim = 79650m; Bike = 2603 miles; Run = 902 miles.
I will be interested to see how 2016 shapes up. I hope to be balanced, stay healthy and have fun - I hope the same for you!
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