Yes! Yes! Yes!! TGIF! I am way into Friday this week - an end to work stress is just what I need. This morning I dropped off my oldest son Jesse at the airport - he's goin' on an adventure. He's working at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel where he will work and play with many people in their early 20s from around the world - I'm sure it will be boring!
Also, it is my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary today! These crazy kids accidentally found the mainland from Cape Breton Island many years ago, couldn't find their way back and settled in the Hammer. I came along in their early 20s and my sister 5 years later. Now retired but no less busy they have set down the blueprint on how to get along for a long time (Dad listens to the Boss aka Mom, enough said!). We are heading out for a big meal tonight to celebrate.

Flashback Friday should start with a pic of the handsome devil that is moi! Obviously this was during milder times.

Then there's this! My company had a Movember drive and it was suggested (I believe mandated) that I participate. It was, without a doubt, the creepiest, uncomfortable and creepiest 30 days of my life. I vowed never to do it again but I will gladly donate to the cause.

Ah yes the days when I was in shape. This is IM Lake Placid 2011. My 11:09 time there was a perfect day for me including a 3:53 marathon. Everything came together - I was at my lightest, strongest, and most positive. I've had very rough races since and hope to one day recapture this.

Sulphur Springs 100 mile relay - had a blast. Posted a great time on very hilly course. I vow to do more adventure-type events in the future.

Love me beer! This was in Brooks, Alberta near Dinosaur Provincial Park. Logan had a blast there doing the paleo thang.

More beer but this time a beer in a margharita - in Kona Hawaii at Bubba Gump Shrimp Restaurant on Alii Drive. Heaven!

This has been me of late - most of it due to back troubles. I pleased to be getting back into a groove - now if the weather will cooperate a little.

Our yard looks like this at the moment.

I prefer to refer to farts as afterburners.

Sara and I many years ago (probably 10) at our first Finish Line TriClub Training Weekend in Muskoka. We don't belong to the club anymore but we did enjoy our time there. Holy crap we look so much younger then (and leaner sadly)!

Miss this! Webers on Hwy 11 on the way to Muskoka. Usually if we're stopping here the weather is good and tri season is upon us. C'mon Spring!

Good times with great friends. Miss you Don!

Dork on a dock!

Beast in hibernation - if by hibernation I mean 3 empty beer cans resting on the arms of the chair. Beast is on the comeback trail after severing his quad tendon. An operation, too many weeks in a cast cannot keep the man down though. He's making terrific progress and I know he'll be back soon with a growl!

Beer with a blond! Coachie Coach, aka Sara - my support crew chief. Allows me to do these crazy races, does crazy races herself and keeps me grounded.

Logan - my little computer genius. Will likely give me grief for posting this picture without his permission.

One of my race photos from IM Lake Placid 2013. It's of me and my friend Mark Trafford after I told him his wife Diane had crashed out of the race. At her insistence Mark finished the race in a worried state, Diane (one tough cookie) has since recovered and will fight another day. Their son Tyler had a great race with a 11:23 - as an IM rookie!

Good times - we love camping. This is our site near Lake Placid in Wilmington. Check out the view in the background.

Dork in a bear hat!

Pretty much sums up my race in Placid.

IM Florida 2013 - Mister Casual. Despite not being in great form I did 11:39 there. Nice warm sunny day - not like 2014!

Ahhh - finished!

Peter had a great race going sub 11:00, around 10:57 to be exact. Great result for the rookie!

Big Rob also rocked the race with a 10:58 - outstanding effort!

Beauty sunset with my handsome Dude.

Sara and I in Mexico - I lucked out with this chick!

No flashback or memory here - I just think this is the funniest picture I have ever seen. Makes me laugh every time!

Here I am in St. John's NFLD at the Terry Fox Memorial - where he started his Marathon of Hope. With work travel I have been to many places including the Terry Fox memorials in Newfoundland, Ottawa and Thunder Bay (where his run sadly ended).

IM Lake Placid 2014....

Enough said. 2014 was the year of triathlon bad weather for me. Torrential rains and dangerous lightning in Placid, 40-60km winds and single digit weather in Florida - good times.

My support crew - Gran and Sara writing the book on smart spectating!

Aero-Gramps. Like a Boss!

Ahh beer I've missed you so much.

More camping in upstate New York.

Logan and I post IM Florida 2014. He was a trooper braving the wind and the cold to make sure I came in safe. He worries and has a huge heart.

One of my heroes Lew Hollander at IM Florida 2014. He qualified for Kona for the 24th time and will toe the line in the first ever 85-89 age group. That is freakin incredible!!!

Post IM Florida with Doug and Linda - great people!

Sara all bundled up for her marathon. On a hilly trail run with less than favourable weather, Sara came through big time tom complete her first 26.2. I'm so proud!

Lost my glasses in Los Angeles. I went to a dollar store and found these. I thought - perfect specs for a Dork! Is that Clark Kent, no, that's SUPER DORK!!
Keep misbehavin'! Cheers!
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