Holy Crap! I haven't posted in a while. Life happens, you know?!

My mantra. Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE coffee - maybe a little too much. I have tried to cut down and I'm at 3 cups a day - that's great for me. When I go to bed at night I actually think about my first coffee the next morning and I look forward to it. The smell, the taste - oh ya it's good! Anyway, back to life....

Occupying my time of late is the following: move oldest son back home for a while, help prepare Sara for her half Ironman, prepare for Ironman Florida myself, work travel, Logan starting at a new school....
My oldest son, Jesse, moved back home after trying moving out on his own for several months. It was good for him to get a taste of independence and real life. It also gave him some perspective on career goals and what it will take to get there. He is going to work at Canada Bread. If all goes well there's an opportunity for apprenticeship - the long-term goal he has in mind. It is also only 5K from home so this sets up nicely.
Some bad news: Sara was unable to participate in the Niagara Barrelman (half IM). She got sick with a respiratory/sinus bug that prevented her from toeing the line. Truth be told - I got the bug first so I feel bad that I passed it on to her and Logan. It sucks because she was training really well and encouraged by her progress. In the end, though, she made the right call. She would have risked getting worse by trying to push through. Sometimes the smartest move is the most difficult.

I was doing well prepping for IM Florida and I got sick. I'm coming around but still have some lingering congestion. I'm going into my final ramp up so hopefully all will go well. With the summer we've had and the early Fall we seem to be experiencing, I am constantly watching the weather to see when I can get long rides in. I will not be doing a late season race after this for a while - my mindset thinks "hibernation" this time of year.

Albert - he was a bright man. Love this quote - pretty much sums up how to live a fulfilling life. Ironman is not easy and you go through many ups and downs during race day. By gutting it out and putting one foot in front of the other you eventually get to the finish line. It hurts but, at the same time, feels so good. Ain't it funny how soon you forget about the pain and start thinking about the next race?!!
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