The great thing about late May to mid June is the amount of daylight - love it! I wish it would last longer. The sun doesn't go down to after 9:30pm. I find my energy levels follow the daylight - once it goes down I get tired.

The Boyz!

This week saw a couple of days of the hot, humid weather we usually get in the summer. With the humidity it was 35C. I had time in my schedule so I decided to go long on the bike. I went to the other side of Caledonia and back for the first third, met up with Sara for the middle portion to Grimsby and back, and then back out to Caledonia for the remainder. I ended up getting 170km in and I was quite pleased how my body responded to the heat. That makes two 100+ mile rides in the bank.

The journey continues.....Cheers!
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