Truth! Yes it's the start of a new week and I'm feeling a little trashed. Last week we moved Sara's folks into a new house and then a major health scare happened in her family. Good news is everything is working out but the accumulative physical, mental and emotional stress takes its toll. Needless to say training took a backseat to the more important things in life and I've found myself playing a little catchup this week.

I got 2 swims, 3 bikes and 5 runs this week along with 2 strength workouts. A good week but yesterday I hit the wall. With the time off and stress from the previous week and the work travel and training from this week I was exhausted. I went out for my long run on the Bay course yesterday after dropping my daughter off at work for 6am -arrgghh!! I normally don't run this early and I know why - my body just does not like it! The other challenge was the footing. It had been wet then a light covering of snow caused icing. The problem was you couldn't see it and after 10+ almost-falling-down wipeouts with attempted pulled groins I was officially frustrated. I ended up doing 17K of hills over the slippery run and it was all I could do on this day. Every step was an effort it seemed. I thought I might get a second wind and start finding my rhythm but it never came. While this sort of day is never fun I always commit it to memory especially for moments in racing when things either start going badly or fatigue is setting in. Character building as they say right?!


The rest of this is for getting pumped for the next block of training.

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