So here I am after overindulging over the past 5 days. Not really but I feel disgusting. I had a gameplan to eat and drink moderately but that went out the window once the food was in front of me. It was so plentiful and so good!

With too much of this!

Did I mention too much of this?!! Actually this pic is from Kona and I think there's a hidden message here - oh yeah, run! I need to get back on the road. Running remains the activity that gives me the most bang for the buck.

Nuff said!


I must also commit to strengthening my core. With a recent hip flexor/lower ab strain I have found that the little core work I've done has made a big difference in my swim. bike and especially my run.


Despite feeling tired and sluggish from an acute case of FADTS (Food And Drink Toxicity Syndrome) - pronounced "fa-tees", I did 90 minutes on the trainer while watching Ironman TV on YouTube. It's a cool site for all things Ironman from Europe - check it out. I was not into it but once 10-15 minutes went by I came around.

No, no, no - that's not the right attitude. Although you're still the most interesting guy in the world.

Ah yes, it is vitally important as we age to concentrate on flexibility as well to prevent injury and maintain healthy joints. Did this pose just this morning.

Now, now, now. What did I just say about attitude?!

Always good to end on a positive note. One more overindulgence session to go (New Years) and then it's focus time! Be good - or if you can't be good, be good at it!
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