Thursday, August 9, 2012

Canada at the Olympics - Awesome!

I was listening to the radio today and they were talking about how disappointing Canada's performance has been at the 2012 London Summer Olympics. Are they on crack?! The prediction prior to the Games was top 12 in the medal count - we're at 11th. We've had some pleasant surprises, some disappointments, but all in all these athletes have done Canada proud! They have given their best against the best in the world. For some, personal bests have been achieved and that, in itself, is progress and will serve them in the future. Just think - there are young people all over Canada watching our athletes. Some will be inspired enough to pursue Olympic dreams themselves over the next 10-15 years - how's that for a legacy!! So to all the "armchair" athletes in the media who, for the most part, are not athletic - SHUT the F&%K UP!!!

Cheers, eh!!

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