So I now have a plan! Actually Sara came up with the plan (which I'm shocked about!) and it will be epic or as Barney says on How I Met Your Mother - "Legendary!"

The plan involves doing 2 Ironmans per year for the next few years. By doing so I will make the 12 Ironman minimum to qualify for Hawaii through the Legacy Program which they created last year. This may be the only way I make it to the Big Dance. I'm heading to Lake Placid this weekend where I will volunteer as a Race Marshall for the race and sign up for IM Lake Placid 2013 the next day. I've done this course 4 times so I'm very familiar with it and I really love the Lake Placid area.

The bike profile - EPIC!

This will be the line I'll be in on the Monday after the race.

In the fall I will then sign up for Ironman Florida. I have never done a flat IM before and given the logistics Florida is a nice fit. Since it is in Florida's offseason you can also get great deals on condos and flights which comes in handy.

Nice wide swim course - love it. Less contact than Placid.

Hopefully I'll add this to the collection. All in all it's an ambitious plan, one that will hopefully see me in Kona when I'm 50 and Sara is 40 - our 50-40 trip extravaganza! Since I've been recuperating from the minor surgery I had (stitches are almost healed) I've had time to map this out and I'm looking forward to the challenge. I've never done 2 IMs in a year let alone an IM in back to back years so it should be interesting. Thankfully I have Sara's support and if I can prevent myself from becoming an obsessive jackass then all will be right. I am targeting the first week of August to get back training with an eye on a couple of late season races. Hope you're keeping cool and we'll see ya out on the road.
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