Midweek we made our way to same popular landmarks. First on the list - Place of Refuge. A historical setting depicting the traditional Hawaiian way of life, Place of Refuge has a village setting on display. Here's Sara and Logan amongst the many hand-carved statues here.

In the traditional Hawaiian shelter was this native making fish hooks out of bone. Logan mistakenly said to Sara "he's in a costume" to which Dude replied all pissed "got more clothes on than your mudder" (nice response to an 8 yr old Keanu!). Logan was interested in what he was doing and watched him for a least 10 minutes and the Dude did not speak or look up once - I hope we were driving him nuts!

I went snorkelling and made some new friends! I managed to swim out some distance and found my way into a pod of Spinner dolphins. There was a least 30 of them and they got this close every time they came up for air. It made my purchase of an underwater camera worth it. It was very cool!

Next landmark is trigeek-related. I managed to do a couple of swims at the Kona Aquatics Center. This pool is open from 6:15am to 7:30pm with 2 pools with 6 lanes each and it is free! The number of pro triathletes and Ironman World Champions that have used this facility is huge so it was pretty cool to swim there.

I did not have my camera with me the first time I swam which was unfortunate as in the lane next to me was Yvonne Van Vlerken, pro triathlete.

For those unaware, Yvonne was 2nd female overall at the 2008 Hawaii Ironman. I'm pretty sure I could hear her laugh underwater at the site of my technique.

Oh Yvonne you know you shouldn't wear white after Labour Day but thanks all the same (this one's for the gentlemen).

Just before Sara took pics of me at Kona Aquatics she was walking down the street. She heard bikes behind her and none other than Lance Armstrong was approaching! Sara said "hello" and Lance slowed down and said "good morning". I somehow think I would have had a different reaction from Lance given that I'm not female or blond. Well played, Lance! (insert whisky slow clap here).

Finally, landmark #3 was Hapuna Beach. Hapuna is a mile long sandy beach with consistent great waves. Here I am absolutely rocking the boogie board - I'm rad, stoked and gnarly all at the same time.

Logan trying to sneak up on me like a shark.

Not to be outdone by the gratuitous Van Vlerken pic, Sara snared some meat of her own. Check out Buddy rocking the Ol Marble Bag - well played Sara, touche! (insert another whisky slow clap).

The waves were awesome - the climate and the ocean are incredible. Being active here is so easy with so many options.

After a tough day of play it's always important to rehydrate. I decided to try a different island microbrew - it was sooo goood! Wait - Sara, is that you?!!

Take me to your leader! Geek in the Pacific!!
Aloha - Cheers!
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