So I was not able to take a night pic of Bourbon Street cause I lost my camera on Bourbon Street. I wasn't pumped about it but Best Buy had $70 off the exact camera so I picked one up. A few of us from work decided to take a swamp tour. The weather got cold around 10 C and cloudy but we ventured out anyway since I would not have the chance to do this anytime soon.

Some of the locals we were hoping to see.

An albino alligator - apparently happens once every 800, 000. I don't think I'd want to meet up with this in the swamp - the eyes were freaky lookin!

Here's my ride - everything's above water, has no brakes and can go up to 40 mph.

My coworker Cory. I kinda chuckled at the $5.00 rainslick he bought but within 5 minutes of starting the tour it poured rain on us and I was chilled the rest of the tour - who's the genius now?!

The swamp. We saw only a couple of alligators as most are now in hibernation. Also saw an armadillo. It was fun bombing around the swamp on the airboat.

We stopped and our guide had an alligator he is looking after and will soon release into the swamp. I was frozen at this point but I managed to control this behemoth!

Guide told us that if you find yourself looking down the alligators throat you're in a bit of trouble. Normally this is covered by a flap to prevent water from going down and only opens up when it's going to swallow something.

Once back in Canada Sara, Logan and I went to Great Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls for some waves, slides and games.

The blue slide was called the Niagara Rapids and we must have ridden it at least 15 times - the crowds were small so you could pretty much go immediately on to the ride. It was awesome!

The waterpark had a bar that was appropriately named - I want this sign for my future recroom.

The place had an arcade and each game rewarded you with tickets based on your score that you can trade in for toys. Of course anything good cost a zillion tickets.

At night they gathered all the kids in the main atrium for storytime. This little guy took a shining to Logan and wanted to sit with him for the stories.

Here's the area where storytime took place. It also had a huge fireplace.

We had a blast - or as the staff would say "we had a great wolf day" - makes you want to howl! (haha that's funny)
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