WOW - what a whirlwind travel day! We went to bed Saturday night with mild 2C temperature at 11:30 pm to -6C and icy conditions and 5cm of snow on the ground. It took us over 2 hours to drive to the Buffalo airport where we arrived at 5:15 am - our flight was to leave at 6:05!! We managed to get through everything fairly quickly and ran through the airport to make it on time. With the conditions being messy we then sat on the tarmac for an hour and a half while the plane was de-iced and the runway plowed. We were thankful for this but also worried about our connection in Altanta at 10:30. We got off the ground fine and we were finally on our way. We landed in Atlanta at 9:30. If you've ever been to the Atlanta airport you know how enormous it is. We arrived at B concourse and needed to be at E concourse in 10 minutes! We started running, hit the subway and ran to the end of concourse E where we barely made our flight - we were the very last to board. The picture above is Sara and Logan on the flight to Belize. We landed in Belize made it through customs with surprisingly no comments about the food and toys we brought with us for Logan. A 20 minute taxi brought us to the next phase of our journey, the boat ride to Ambergris Caye and San Pedro town. Pictured at the top is the view we had from the front of the boat. The boat ride was an hour long and took us parallel to the barrier reef. The temperature was an beautiful 30C with a nice ocean breeze. This is where the day's rush hit us and we were pretty tired. Once we hit San Pedro we grabbed a local taxi and made it to the Banana Beach Resort where we are staying til Friday. Now Ambergris Caye where San Pedro is located is 40 km long and less than a km wide at its widest point. The streets are tight and winding and EVERYWHERE there are golf carts and bikes!! The majority of people here get around on golf carts and the traffic rules are unique, in that, there really aren't any. It was fun though and the only thing we did for the rest of the day is swim in the ocean and have Belize's Belikin beer.
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