Swamp Thing!! Don't be alarmed. It's just me in a pool, getting wet, and doing some swimming. I have been inconsistent with my swimming so far in 2018 but I'm working on it. If I get two swims per week I'm currently calling that a victory. I wish Hamilton had a one or two pools that had lane swims throughout the day. The challenge is making the swim times at lunch as this homey cannot get up early to jump in water.

Cycling on the other hand has been good. I'm spending lots of time in the Lavender Room. We converted our basement bedroom into the "cycling studio" and it's working out nicely. I've started to dress up the walls with medals and posters from my previous Ironmans. It's nice to have the motivation. Combined with a 42 inch plasma for YouTube and Netflix and I'm good to go.

How did this get in here?!! All work and no play as they say. I love me my margaritas - my fave summer beverage. I enjoy cranking up the machine occasionally to make these magic elixirs. It has been said that tequila is a natural detoxifier and is good for your health. I totally agree!

Been seeing a little too much of this lately. Nevermind, it's been like this most of this winter. I was even looking up snowshoes online. The conditions have been tough for footing and it's been slippery. I have used the treadmill more than usual but I'm not a big fan. I prefer running outdoors. I leave for a work trip to Tampa in two weeks so I will get a little break from the white stuff.
Training, overall, is becoming more routine and consistent which is nice. Long distance racing is not complicated. You bear down, do the work, and prepare to execute - it's that simple. "Chop wood, carry water."