Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Why the Fall Rocks

The fall season is great because it allows time to reflect on the season that was but also what lofty goals are in store for 2018. I've been thinking a lot about Ironman of late. I'm not at the point where I would sign up for another one but I've been back and forth on if I would regret not getting the Ironmans done that would get me a Legacy spot in Hawaii. I currently sit at 10 Ironman races and I need 12 to qualify for the Legacy Program. It probably will take 13 or 14 as the program has been hugely successful. 

I am confirmed for Mont Tremblant 70.3. I was registered this year but a lingering back injury prevented me from toeing the line. In addition, my Dad was battling illness and, unfortunately, lost. I reflected on what I would look back on once my day comes and my feeling is this: I'm able to do this now and hope to for many years - it's time to use or lose it. 

 The weather has been spectacular. I've not ridden without sleeves this late into October. I know it won't last but it has eased the disappointment of the summer we had. The fall is always a time where I work on my run. I love getting to the trails and getting back to nature. I up my frequency and try to get 5 runs in per week til the new year when I will be into more regular triathlon training. I'm back on the trainer a couple of times a week when the weather is not good. I may incorporate some shorter races to test my speed here and there should I feel like it too.

Finally this time of year is great for getting together with some awesome people. Sara and I are blessed to have some fantastic friends - in fact, we see many of them as family. We definitely have lots of laughs and we also have each others backs. Equally the people I have met through triathlon have enriched our lives and I've learned so much along the way despite the fact I've been at since 1984!

I see some first time try-a-tri participants next year in this pic!! A couple of ladies came out to see a triathlon for the first time and were totally inspired. I can't wait - I know they will be hooked. 

Cheers to lofty goals and doing epic shit in 2018!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Ha-Wow-ii Ironman 2017!

That was some race!! Huge congrats to this Beast and amazing Canadian Lionel Sanders who emptied the tank to take 2nd at this year's Hawaii Ironman. This result is amazing for several reasons:
- Lionel's swim has improved to the point where he is solidly in the second pack
- because of his improved swim he doesn't have to burn as many matches to reach the lead bike train
- he was able to work with the other uberbikers like Wurf and Kienle
- he rolled into T2 in 4:14 - holy crap!
- he rolled the dice on the run and went for it - gotta love that!
- his ability to dig way deeper than most serves him well - just take a look at his face on the coverage over the last 5km and how he looked at the finish is a testament to that

Hats off to Patrick Lange as well. The comparison of running styles between Lange and Sanders is like night and day. Sanders looks like every step is a battle and Lange looks like he floats. Lange's run form is beautiful to watch. Lionel, despite not displaying an equally beautiful stride, still ran a 2:51 marathon. When Lange passed Lionel it looked like Lionel was standing still but this is more of a reflection of just how amazing a runner Lange is.

Watching those amazing performances is so inspiring and makes me want to train and work on my running. The great thing about the fall is the ability to take the time and look after weaknesses and muscle imbalances. I know I have them and I have a proper plan in place to address them. I can give the attention they deserve so that come the new year I will be good to go.

Ain't that the truth! It's funny because it's amazing what we spend on this sport. Not only that, in my household, there are two crazy people who race. To combat that I put money away starting at the end of this season's last race. This gives me plenty of time to save and it's fun to have a nest egg come spring to use when registrations are fast n' furious!


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Next Year Starts Now

I love summer. We really didn't have one this year. Second place for me goes to fall. The colours, the mild temperatures and relaxed nature before the heading to Christmas are all great. I've had a 2017 to forget - not every year goes smoothly but I accept it and move on. Injuries, career move, loss of a family member all contributed. I managed to "race" but my fitness was quite low. With all that said I'm excited for the off season and the potential to make 2018 a great year! That's the beauty of triathlon - we can hit that reset button every year.

As I head towards winter I am taking stock of all facets of my life and set goals toward them. With regards to fitness I'm going back to my plan of running more frequently. When I employed this strategy I had the best Tri season of my life and managed a nice PB in Lake Placid (11:09). My marathon in that race was 3:53 - proof that my plan worked. Back then I ran 76 of 100 days from mid December to mid March. Each of those runs lasted at least 30 minutes and the pace for the most part was relaxed. Slowtwitch.com is where I first saw this and it's goal is to build the aerobic system gradually and incorporate tempo/speed after a period of adaptation. Very basic and very sound.
I won't be employing this for the off season. I did the November thing a couple of years ago. I was so creeped out by my own appearance that I vowed I would not do it again. I will, however, donate to the cause!

 This is me in 2011 at Lake Placid. Everything came together that year and the race fell into place. I'm currently at 165lbs and I entered that race at 150lbs. My current tempo pacing reflects the extra weight I'm carrying. I don't deny myself, especially craft beer, but I can clean up my diet as well. Sara and I will meal plan and get more fruit and veggies into the mix. Sara has been telling me I don't drink enough water. I usually count my 3-4 coffees but beyond that I really don't hydrate enough. This camel is going to improve that!

 Jazzercise anyone?!

No fartlek for me just yet but I've got the fart nailed down.

 So true. I know lots of people who are genetically gifted, train hard and excel in triathlon. I also know lots who may not be so genetically gifted but put in the work day in and day out and excel on their own terms. Either way the consistency of chopping wood and carrying water daily over the weeks and months is what brings success. It may not be glamorous but it's a necessary habit. I know I've gotten away from it but the beauty of it is you can restart any time.

Love this quote. I find when I race I use people around me to push me further. I'm not necessarily trying to "beat" them - I'm simply trying to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. I also like that it implies breaking down lofty goals  into bite-sized pieces. To seek out what I can do today that will get me to the finish. 

I look forward to crossing paths with everyone in the future. Share your goals and dreams - you never know who might be able to help with them. Stay healthy and don't forget this is meant to be fun!
