The summer of fun continues. Next stop? Great night out with friends. We headed out with Ted and Corinne, Jay and Tara to the Bayfront for Corinne's birthday dinner. Sara and I have not been down there before - it's pretty sweet. The night was perfect for some outdoor patio chillin.

The angels - no Charlie, just us clowns.

Next day it was back on the training. Katie was in town so we did 40k with her and headed out for 60k more afterwards. As you can see from the sky the weather was awesome!

Sporting my new TCOB jersey. The jersey unfortunately does not decrease the level of dorkness in me.

Another ride with Sara - tried the panoramic while taking a pee - I can multitask!

Also got some beach time in at Long Point - the waves were mint. Did a ton of body boarding. Sara had her beach hair going.

Next up - long run. 20k total with a ton of hills in Kings Forest. Here I am looking dorky about 2k in.

Here I am post run soaking in the "Cement Pond".

Gran's birthday celebration. My daughter Emily came by for the festivities. Her 22nd birthday is coming up which means I'm getting old!

Long Point again! Logan and I trying the new raft. We didn't get far but had a ton o' fun. Long Point is beautiful.

Check out that sand.

Next day Sara and I headed off up north for the Bracebridge Olympic. We stayed in Huntsville. Here's Sara with my pre-race refreshment at Three Guys and a Stove Restaurant.

Sara ready to go in her TCOB kit. The Bracebridge Olympic is a time-trial start with swimmers going by number every 5 seconds. Because we registered so late Sara and I, for some reason, were only a few spots from each other. We were quite tired coming into the race due to hectic race and life schedules but were excited to be racing. A last minute change saw the bike course extended to 42km. No problem there. The Bracebridge course is fun. A cool swim in a small river, a mix of flat and challenging hills and a mostly flat run. The heat of the day had its effect on the run but we were happy with the result.

Post race. Sara ended up 4th in her age group and I managed 12th. An added bonus was winning a $150 Rudy Project Gift Certificate in the prize draw. Good timing because I need a new helmet! Sara won a wetsuit last year at this race so we're going to have to come back!