Whew! It's been bee-zay! First off it was my birthday. 49 years young - how the heck did that happen?! It seems time is flying by. Our life is so hectic that time is flying. I had a great night with the fam.

In birthday tradition I did a workout. I usually do something that matches my age. This time I did a 49 minute run. I also tacked on a 40k ride after. As you can see from the pic - the weather was perfect.

Logan brought me a lunchtime birthday cupcake - it looks like that Rex is going to chomp down on it.

A few days after my birthday came Mothers Day. We had a family brunch and late in the day I gave a Mothers Day gift hat trick - a vintage bottle of wine, fine cheese and a book to read. She enjoyed herself - if Sara drew a salary for her Mommery she'd be well into six figures. She's an amazing Mom!

Next up was our annual May Victoria Day Weekend getaway for training, great food and beverages. This time around we went to Blue Spruce Resort at Oxtongue Lake. Here's Beast on the deck surveying the situation.

Here's Beast literally 15 minutes later!

Beast's better half Sheila was taking full advantage of the relaxation opportunity after a tough work week.

And like her hubby Sheila decided it was time for a snoozola-cola; or she was playing hide n' seek - in which case I found you. By the way this pic was taken around 15 minutes after the last one. Do I have this effect on people?


Here's the view of Oxtongue Lake from the cottage. How'd that beer get there? My choice of beverage was the ever tasty Stella Artois.

We decided to head into Algonquin Park to do our long run on the old railway trail. While on route we found some Canadian wildlife. A moose selfie was in order. It always amazes me how big meese are (that's right I said meese. We have goose/geese, why not moose/meese - let's start a movement people!).

Speaking of Canadian wildlife - here's Beast on the rail trail. And he's awake...

and so is Sheila!!

Sara and I were running long, John and Ceko rode with us, and Peter and Susan were looking to do around 10k. The trail was awesome and, miraculously, there were no bugs. For those not familiar, the scenery in northern Ontario is spectacular but the bugs can be relentless. Mosquitos, black flies and deer flies were not present and it was a nice surprise.

A rare burgundy trillium.

Me taking a pee

Now it's time to play everyone's favourite game - is it fur? is it poop? is it foop? (a combo of fur and poop)

Not sure why it's white.

Raw wilderness - brings out the animal!

Sheila getting a stretch in or she's trying to push down the tree - I'm not sure.

Once back at the cottage we got something to eat and decided to head out for a paddle with Peter and Susan. Destination - Oxtongue Rapids Falls.

Falls selfie!

Peter and Susan.

These falls were no joke! They were raging. It was pretty cool to sit on the rocks and watch the power in the water. Love the sound too.

Me and Peter. We had a great time at the falls but now it was time to get back for some dinner - we were hun-gry!

Peter's choice for wine - is there a story here?! haha

Peter all ready to go do some hydrotherapy on the legs in the lake.

Sara, Peter and Sheila looking after the muscles. It was pretty cold but once over the initial shock it was quite nice. No chance of going all in though.

The next morning I was first up and headed down to the beach. Hard to tell from the picture but there was a morning haze over the lake. Loaded up with coffee and breakfast it was time for a long ride through Algonquin Park. The park has tons of hills and the shoulders are quite wide.

Awesome scenery, great roads and low on traffic.

Post ride. Time for beers and the dock. Oh look it's a dock dork! The day was spectacular - around 28C with little cloud cover. We chilled, had another great meal and was passed out by 11pm. I find being outside all day relaxing and I usually have great sleeps.
All in all good times, great friends, locked in memories.