So Logan, Sara and I recently went to the Paris Fair. I like Fall and the season always brings a multitude of Fair offerings. We usually end up going to a few. Here Logan and I get up close and personal with an alligator. Pictured here is Paul, owner of Little Ray's Reptile Zoo in Ottawa, one of Logan's favourite places. Paul is great with Logan and has inspired Logan to write a couple of children's stories - he did an awesome job (and all on his own). He's raised 70.00 to date from sales which he wants to support Little Ray's which takes in exotic pets people want to get rid of.

Logan took in an obstacle course put up by the Canadian Military - it was cool and he got down n dirty. Analogy to triathlon? Use the offseason to cross train and develop other aspects of fitness (besides swim, bike, run).

Of course, the rollercoaster. This was dragon-themed which Logan loved. He rode it 5 times. Analogy to triathlon? In training there are ebbs and flows, ups and downs but consistency is the key. Enjoy the times when feeling good and manage/maintain focus when struggling.

Bumpers! Analogy to triathlon? Things can take sudden turns. Be prepared by being prepared! A balanced program with sound nutrition and recovery will better prepare you for surprises that may come your way.

Most of all - enjoy! If you're not having fun why the hell are you doing it? If it feels like a job then you're not balanced. Review, reflect, readjust.

And continue to go outside your comfort zone. Here's Logan on his first day of grade 4 at a new school. He's anxious but he'll get through and grow as a person. Each and every time we venture outside the comfort zone we grow. Ironman is not easy - if it was, everyone would be doing it.

I'm currently in Niagara Falls for a conference. Here's my view from my room upon my late afternoon arrival - it truly is a wonder of the world!

Here's the same view at sunrise the next morning - Awesome!
A core bike program for Ironman training that was prescribed by a prominent triathlon coach and one that I plan to build towards and follow this winter:
3 rides per week:
1) 1:30 with warm up followed 16-24 reps of 30 seconds HARD/30 seconds easy
2) 1:30 of steady state riding with 2 reps of 15-20 minutes at race pace
3) 2 hours of "spirited riding" - either on trainer or outside. Go with hard tempo, a pace you can maintain for the duration.
Follow this blueprint this winter and see how it goes!