New Year's Day found Sara, Logan and I in Huntsville as I had to work January 2nd in North Bay. Huntsville certainly is in winter mode and it's always beautiful despite the cloudy day. These first few pics were from our room at Grandview Resort.

Check out these homes across the lake - awesome!
One of my resolutions included getting Logan physically active on a daily basis. With all the sedentary distractions kids have today - tv, XBox, computer - I worry about his future quality of life. Since Logan is not a team-sports guy we do a lot of activities together which is always fun. In Huntsville we did some tubing - climbing up and down the hills was a great workout.
No way in hell I'd try this pose!

Although we stayed at Grandview, we couldn't pass up dinner at Deerhurst Resort's Eclipse Restaurant.

Here's Logan "makin it look mean" - he's got his Slapshot-style gameface on while playing his Nintendo DS.

My Chinese friends call me Lots-ah Chin-Fat! Time to lose a few lbs!!

The next morning was gorgeous but at minus 32 Celsius we chose not to be outdoors. We headed back home where there was absolutely no snow.

I took Logan skating in Glanbrook and had a blast - he was really into it.

My posture looks like A) I've got back problems or B) I'm passing gas

Check out the beautiful beach in the lush tropical locale of Hamilton Beach. With the crazy mild weather we headed down to Lake Ontario. We walked, climbed the breaker rocks and skimmed stones.

We found a park that worked with my dorky tropical theme.

Now time to get my sorry arse in shape - Cheers!!